are many myths concerning the origins of the Goddess and the God and their role
in the seasons of nature. This is one such story about the wheel of the year.
Yule (December 21) the Goddess gives birth to her Son, the God. This is also the
origin of the idea that Jesus and Mithras were born at this time of year. At
Yule, We celebrate the return journey of the Sun, and the life it will bring.
Imbolq (February 2) the Goddess recovered from the birth and the God's strength
is increasing with the waxing power of the sun. Imbolq traditionally marked the
calving period, when the animals would begin to bear milk for their young. For
Pagans, it is a time of creativity and inspiration, and is associated with the
Celtic Goddess Brigid.
Ostara (Spring Equinox), which marks the first day of spring, the Goddess
regains her strength and works her magick. The young God is now maturing. Now is
a time of new starts, as we travel through the gateway into the realm of warmth
and light.
Beltane (May 1), when Nature is truly flourishing, the Goddess and God unite.
This ensures the abundance of the next harvest. At this time, the Goddess
becomes pregnant, thus assuring the continuation of life. Beltane is a time of
love and great celebration, and we cherish the joys which life offers us.
Midsummer (Summer Solstice), the God is at the peak of his power, as is all of
Nature's bounty. It is the high time of the Sun and is marked with festivals of
(August 1) was the time the ancients gave thanks for the first fruits of the
harvest. The summer is waning and the God has become the God of sacrifice, being
cut down in the fields. It is a time of giving thanks for what we have and
making offerings of gratitude.
Mabon (Autumn Equinox) the light begins to grow less, and the God, cut down in
the corn and wheat, begins his journey to the Other world. It is the final
harvest, when the fields are clear of their bounty. We now make ready for the
Winter to come. It is a time of balance.
(October 31), marks the Pagan new year, and commonly know as Halloween. The veil
between the worlds of life and death is thin on this night, we take this time to
remember our beloved who have passed. The God gives his life up to the land, and
pass in the Shadowland, only to be reborn again at Yule.
wheel turns again. The story of the life, death and rebirth of the God is the
story of the land and the crops, but is also the story of each of us and the
lives we live.