Vow To The Triple Goddess


Bright Lady:

Thou who art the source of all Life, I worship Thee with all my soul.

Thou who art the source of all Love, I adore Thee with all my heart.

Thou who art the source of all Light, I honor Thee with all my mind.


Thou who first created Herself, Then created all things,

And to whom all things must return,

I dedicate my life to Thy honor and service.


Through many lifetimes, I have served Thee.

I have been a priest in Thy temples,

And a warrior in defense of Thy worshippers.

Thou hast shaped me through the ages to be a teacher and a healer,

That I might give knowledge, counseling and healing to Thy children.


In this cycle of life as well, I once again renew my pledge

To honor Thee and serve Thee.


My life, a gift from Thee, is dedicated to Thy worship.

All my arts and powers are consecrated to Thee,

And to the service of all Thy children.


Triune Goddess, I worship Thee in all Thy aspects.


Blessed Maiden, Thou Spirit of Springtime,

I honor Thee.

In the dawn of each new day,

I worship Thee.

Thy smile is the crescent of the New Moon,

And in the beginning of each month,

I worship Thee.


Beloved Mother,

Thou who art the source of all life,

I honor Thee.

In the bright noontime,

I worship Thee.

Thy fertile belly, from which all Life springs,

Is the Full Moon,

And in the middle of each month,

I worship Thee.


Revered Grandmother,

Thou who are called "The Crone,"

I honor Thee.

In the twilight of each day,

I worship Thee.

Thy back, bowed under the cares of the ages,

Is the curve of the Waning Moon,

And Thy promised peace of death is the

Dark of the Moon. 

At the end of each month,

I worship Thee.


Thou art my spirit and my inspiration,

And I swear upon my life,

My soul and my sacred honor

That I shall worship Thee above all others,

Ever seeking to do Thy will,

To serve Thy children,

And to honor Thy creation.


So Mote It Be!

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